CodeML OpenRAIL-M 0.1 - FAQ

Posted on November 4, 2020 by Henk Verlinde ‐ 1 min read

CodeML OpenRAIL-M 0.1 - FAQ

We are releasing the first set of BigCode models, which are going to be licensed under the CodeML OpenRAIL-M 0.1 license, as we initially stated here and in our membership form. The CodeML OpenRAIL-M 0.1 is an interim version of the license that is being drafted for the release of BigCode in March 2023. This license is an open and responsible AI license (OpenRAIL).

What is an OpenRAIL license?

Open Responsible AI Licenses (OpenRAIL) are licenses designed to permit free and open access, re-use, and downstream distribution of derivatives of AI artifacts, for research, commercial or non-commercial purposes, as long as the use restrictions present in the license always apply (including to derivative works). For more information, please access the RAIL Initiative post.